Utah Artist With A Dream...
I have been personally invited to participate in an international Glass Residency at Northlands Creative in Lybster, Scotland by two internationally renowned glass artists, Steve Klein and Richard Parish. The art business is all about whom you study with and the connections that are made through these kinds of experiences. By participating I will bring back valuable knowledge of architectural kiln-glass work, which I will in turn contribute back to our Utah community via teaching, public art projects and apprenticeships.
As an artist attempting to create artwork for public “Percent for Art” projects and/or private buildings, I must address issues which aren’t necessarily considered when just making glass art objects. Issues such as building use/function, scale, spatial quality, materiality, history, structure, and local tradition (in art and construction) are more critical. This Residency will consider these and a host of other issues in architectural kiln-glass work. For more information about this opportunity at Northland Creative Glass, visit www.NorthlandsGlass.com
It was not possible to write for grants to help with the funding needed in this short time frame. I was feeling I had worked 10 years to get to this very important moment in my life and career but the invitation and opportunity was hinging on a few thousand dollars. Some friends suggested an innovative concept offering others an option of buying shares in my success.
Please help share in my success...
This residency will cost a total of $5,440.00+. I am not receiving a stipend and unfortunately there are no scholarships available. I am currently $2,000.00 away from my goal. Actual costs are:
• $1,440.00 for the Residency Tuition.
• $2,500.00 Flight and Lodging
• $1,500.00 Miscellaneous Expenses (glass/supplies).
I am asking you to assist me by buying a share of this educational opportunity. You’ll be able to learn through this experience with me. After I return, I will present my success and experiences through slides, commentary, and a small celebration event in early August.
With a contribution of:
• $50.00 - you’ll be invited to join me at a celebration event with appetizers and wine when I return home with slides and lots of enthusiasm!
• $150.00 - you’ll receive an invitation to the celebration event and a small inspirational kiln formed glass piece.
• $300.00 - you’ll receive an invitation to the celebration event, small inspirational kiln formed glass piece AND join me in my studio for a four hour session to create your own small glass art piece (date to be negotiated)
Time is critical to participate in the residency. I need to have plans made by May 25th, 2010.
Thanks for your consideration of helping me with this personal opportunity. Any amount appreciated!
Sarinda Jones www.ReflectiveArtStudio.com 801.835.8611 P.O. Box 16206, Salt Lake City, UT, 84116